Cyber Incident Response

We help you respond quickly to any cyber security breach or threat, minimising damage and ensuring your business continues to operate smoothly.

Why choose our Cyber Incident Response services?

Deep expertise

Security breaches are a constant concern for most organisations. With our knowledge and support, you can respond quickly and effectively to these challenges. We support you every step of the way and help minimise any impact. 

Cyber Incident Response is a structured and advanced approach to preparing for, detecting, managing, and recovering from cyber security incidents. We manage these situations in a way that limits damage and reduces both recovery time and costs. 

What FSP offer

Preparation and proactivity

Being proactive is vital to identifying and addressing potential threats and helps minimise the impact of any security incident. Thorough risk assessments help you understand and evaluate vulnerabilities in your systems and a well-developed incident response plan outlines procedures for handling varying types of incidents. These elements alongside regular training and simulations are crucial to ensure your team are well prepared and both confident and capable in responding effectively when needed. 

Rapid response

When dealing with a cyber breach, quick action is crucial. We provide rapid access to the expertise you need to address the issue effectively. Our process includes advanced tools to quickly detect and identify potential security incidents to reduce the impact and scope of the breach. Keeping everyone informed through clear and transparent communication is key to ensuring that all parties are updated and supported throughout the process. 

More than technical support

Responding to a breach often involves multiple aspects of your organisation. We support your technical needs alongside engaging with compliance, communications, customer service, and any other functions affected. We address the root cause of the incident, ensuring all threats are fully removed and restore affected systems and services to normal operation, making sure they are secure. Where incidents occur, we extract the key lessons and refine your response plan, to strengthen your defences and preparedness for any future challenges. 

Change is constant. Move forward with confidence. 

Speak to an FSP expert