Awards, Culture, Diversity FSP announced a finalist in the British Business Excellence Awards 2022 We are delighted to announce that FSP has been shortlisted as a finalist in both the Employer of the Year and Diversi...
Culture, Employee Engagement FSP supports the Samaritans Big Listen campaign July 2022 marked the Samaritans Big Listen campaign, reminding people that the Samaritans are here to listen to anyon...
Culture, Events, Inclusion Celebrating 10 years of FSP To celebrate the 10th Birthday of FSP in July 2022, the entire company (including our brilliant Barcelona colleagues!...
Accreditations, Workplace FSP adds further accreditations from Cyber Essentials and CREST As an established digital transformation specialist, our Cyber Essentials Plus and CREST certifications, alongside ou...
Culture, Events, Inclusion FSP celebrates Pride 2022 In June 2022, FSP hosted a fantastic event to celebrate Pride month, at our Reading office. We made use of our marvel...
Culture, Events, Inclusion FSP hosts live panel and D&I networking event with Stott + May In May 2022, we co-hosted a live panel and networking event, with our recruitment partner Stott & May, entitled &...
Climate, Diversity, Event, Inclusion, Workplace ‘The Power of Perspective: Taking Positive Action for a Diverse & Inclusive Workforce’ In May 2022, FSP hosted 'The Power of Perspective: Taking Positive Action for a Diverse & Inclusive Workforce', at ...
Events, Partner, STEM, Women March8.Live – Women in STEM event, June ’22. FSP are a proud media partner for the March8 Women in STEM event, part of TECH LIVE London, in June 2022.
Climate Action, Partner, Workplace FSP joins Ecologi and becomes a Climate Positive Workforce FSP are committed to being an active contributor to tackling social and environmental issues. We are actively seeking...